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Scheme covers the customers of |
All Commercial Banks; |
Regional Rural Banks; |
Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks; |
Non-Scheduled Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks with deposit size of Rs. 50 crores and above; |
All System Participants |
All deposit taking NBFCs |
NBFCs with assets size >= Rs. 100 crore + customer interface. |
(Excluding: Housing Finance Companies) |
Step 1. Written Complaint to Regulated Entity at the end of 30 days
Step 2. If complaint is rejected wholly or partly by Regulated Entity and customer remain dissatisfied with response OR No reply is received from Regulated Entity if customer has not approached any other forum
Step 3. File Complaint with Ombudsman:
The complainant aggrieved by an Award or rejection of a complaint by Ombudsman Office, may, within 30 days of date of receipt of award or rejection of complaint, prefer an appeal to Executive Director, Consumer Education & Protection Department (CEPD), RBI.
The Appellate Authority may, if it is satisfied that the complainant had sufficient cause for not making the appeal within the time, may allow a further period not exceeding 30 days.
The Principal Nodal Officer of the Company may be contacted at:
Name of Principal Nodal Officer | Ashish Sarin Senior Vice President - Customer Success Express Building, 3rd Floor, 9-10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi- 110002 |
Contact Number | 011-41204444 |
Email Address | grievance@dmifinance.in head.services@dmifinance.in |
This is an Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism.
Complainant is at liberty to approach Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator or any other forum or authority.
Please refer www.rbi.org.in for further details of the Scheme.
For the salient features document, click here
Please refer the Reserve Bank integrated Ombudsman scheme 2021 document here